Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Featuring Magazine: Theme Gallery

Two of my shadow box pieces (which I refer to as "scrapboxes"), are being included in the Theme Gallery section of the new quarterly mixed media arts magazine, Featuring, published in The NetherlandsThis 2nd issue's theme for the Theme Gallery was "The Road Ahead."  The pieces are Preparation for Travel, and The Road Home, seen above.


  1. Nice pieces Robert! I love the combination of materials.

  2. Thanks, Terry. I finally got my copy of Featuring in the mail, and it has lots of cool articles. It's subtitle is: "Art Journaling, Mixed Media, and More. . ."

  3. Love these pieces and the term "scrap boxes" Sounds like a neat magazine...I'll have to look it up.

  4. Thanks, Pam! I've really enjoyed this 2nd issue of Featuring. This artwork was in the "Theme Gallery" of the magazine, which is a regular feature of each issue. The "Theme Gallery" theme for the next issue is: "The soundtrack of my life." I think that artwork for this can be submitted through October 31. You can check it out at featuringmagazine.com.
